Today both Jules and I had our 2 week check ups. Jules was first, bright and early at 7:30 this morning. After stripping him naked for his wellness check (weight, height, head measurement), and removing his diaper to have him weighed he managed to pee ALL OVER the weigh table, it was hilarious. This is happening on a fairly regular basis here at home, but usually we're the targets. After the nurse cleaned up the table, while I tried to hold on to a wriggling naked boy, he was weighed. 8lbs 11 oz!!!!!!!! He has gained a pound and five ounces since his appointment last monday! And is up a pound from his birth weight. We were shocked. We knew he was looking plumper and less like a newborn, but man, that's a lot of weight - breastfeeding is a success! The doctor listened to his lungs, looked in his eyes, ears, and mouth, and gave him the thumbs up.
My appointment was around noon, all C sections have to be seen 2 weeks out so it was just a quick check. I've already lost a considerable amount of weight, and my blood pressure is back down into the normal ranges. Then the doctor checked my incision and said everything looks great. I'm cleared to drive again, but still no heavy lifting or strenuous activity. I have to go back again in 4 weeks for the regular 6 week check, and after that I'm good to go. I'm feeling much more myself everyday but still have discomfort and pain if I do too much or move too quickly. I went for a short walk to enjoy the fall weather yesterday and it felt great, but I realized it's going to be awhile before I'm back to my old self.
So all in all we're coming around nicely. Every day is an adventure with this little guy, but we're loving every moment.