Monday, November 3, 2008

Letter to My One Year Old

Dear Julian,

My dear sweet little boy how fast this year has flown.  I have waited until after your birthday to write this letter because I wanted it to be official so I could capture all my feelings about your new big boy status.  You are officially a toddler, but still my baby, and yet seem so different from the tiny newborn we brought home from the hospital.  I loved you from the moment I saw you on the warming table, and when your Papa brought you over for me to see all I could exclaim was how perfect you were.  From that day forward you have been the center of our universe, and now I cannot imagine this world without you in it.  You are a special little guy, so lively and gregarious.  You are loud, funny, silly, smiley, happy, excited, and not easily contained.  You want to explore the whole world, and you rarely see limitations in your abilities.  Even at this young age you are determined to do everything yourself.  You have much of your Papa and I in you, and we can see that more and more everyday.  You have inherited his wild energy and my smiley eyes, you are stubborn like both of us, but you are loving through and through from all the love you get every day.

Every day there are more words that you understand or can say, and it is so much fun to see how your brain is working in overdrive all the time.  Each day is a new day for you to learn, and you soak it up as fast as I can dish it out You love to read books all the time now, and play with trucks and things with wheels more than ever.  Luckily you got many of each for your birthday so I think that will keep you quite busy. 

Bath time is still big, especially since Papa lets you splash with wild abandon wrecking havoc in the bathroom.   You love to race all over the house chasing Papa or being chased by him while your laughter and squeals echo through our apartment.  Peek-a-boo is a new favorite, it always entices a big smile and you are even able to hide your eyes and say "a-boo" to play along.  It is so cute!  You love to snuggle in the crook of my arm in the morning, nursing as the sun comes up and rock in the glider as we read together before bed.  

I love your huge sloppy kisses, your crazy head shaking, the way you wake up and go to sleep happy as a clam nearly every day.  I love your happy crawl when you are excited about something. I love to run my hands through your beautiful blond hair and snuggle close to your soft cheeks, inhaling your wonderful baby scent.  I love to hear you say Mama and Papa, and can't believe it's really true that you are ours forever. 

Cruising is mastered, and I can often see you tempted to make the leap between two objects, or between me and a piece of furniture, but it seems you are still too cautious to give it a whirl.  You are faster on your hands and knees and that seems to appeal to you more. Sometimes when I set you down on your feet you hold there, standing on your own for a few seconds, but inevitably you dash straight to the floor.  I think you will be so thrilled when you are finally walking because you want down no matter where we are or what we are doing.  I can't wait to put you down and set you free on your two little feet, I know you will love it.

This past year has been a crash course in baby care and parenting.  It's been a lot of ups and downs, but as we round out this year we're definitely coming out on top.  Sleep is better and that definitely helps:)  You have brought so much love and happiness to our little family, and for that I will always be thankful.  I know your Papa loves you more and more everyday, and revels in the time he gets to spend playing with you.  We both look forward to this next year with excitement and anticipation of many many more good things to come.  

I love you Minkie, and I always will.  You are our world, our hearts, and the most amazing little boy I have ever known.  I hope you never lose your loving ways, your giants smiles, or your ecstatic demeanor, you are perfect in every way.


1 comment:

Mandie said...

Happy Birthday Jules!!!!!!